Digital Engineering Strategy Focus Area #3: Incorporating Technological Innovation
A digital engineering strategy should include consideration of advanced technology to aid in the processing of data, models and analysis to continue the production of important design insights.
Digital Engineering Strategy Focus Area #2: the Authoritative Source of Truth
The implementation of a digital engineering strategy needs to consider identifying, creating, managing, sharing and leveraging models as authoritative sources of truth.

Communicating Value and Mission Success Via Connection
What is the Most Important Thing We Wish to Do in Business? Connect. Connect with Whom? Everyone. Outcomes today require the generation, curation, dissemination and assimilation of a great amount of data by a great many diverse groups or stakeholders. It is vital to...

Digital Engineering Strategy Focus Area #1: Formalizing the Recognition of Models
Courtesy of Analytical Graphics Inc The state of the art of physics-based modeling, simulation and analysis (MS&A) technologies has advanced incredibly over the past twenty years. Physics and multi-physics tools are able to accurately and realistically...

Digital Engineering – An Exposé into Potential Technological Insight For Complex System Acquisition
Image Courtesy of Analytical Graphics, Inc "I have spent six months with our industry leaders and . . . looking at examples of applied digital engineering. I’m impressed . . .[article]"Will Roper, Assistant Secretary of the US Air Force One of my favourite books to...
DND Data Strategy a Good First Step
I read with interest the recent announcement of the Canadian Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) Data Strategy. The main goals of this strategy are to: Manage data as an asset and institutionalize data governance;Provide the tools and...

Digital Mission Modeling – The Future (is Now) of Space/Defence Procurement Via Digital Transformation
Digital Mission Modeling is important to the Digital Transformation of procurement processes for critical and complex systems.
Visualize Your Mission-Assured and Resilient Satcom Network
Combine physical layer modeling and network simulation to achieve assured and resilient SATCOM
The Maple Leaf to the Moon/Resources For Lunar Missions
Recent Cdn Gov announcement means orgs can move forward on various Lunar objectives (AppSpace, Moonbase Alpha) The announcement on 28 February of Canada's intention to support the Lunar Gateway was a welcome reprieve for many Canadian space companies looking for some...

What ‘Expensive’ Really is
In the course of my dealings with clients, many of whom easily admit that they have real problems to solve that affect program schedules, the company bottom line, or even the security of human lives, I am often met with the phrase "your software is very expensive"....