
(The Front Lines) – In the war against the unknown to which the power of modeling, simulation and analysis (MS&A) can be brought to bear, it is often helpful to be able to access, manipulate and leverage existing data in order to generate new insights into the operational problem. Take the increasingly important mission of countering unmanned systems – a product of the widespread proliferation and application of said systems – their capabilities now make them such that serious consideration must be made to limit or negate their effectiveness. This can span from kinetic (‘blow ’em out of the sky’) to passive (jamming/interfering with their control signals). With Systems Toolkit, it is trivial to quickly model an enemy unmanned aerial system (UAS) with a communications receiver, as well as both friendly static and moving transmission systems. The latter systems can then be set up at potential interferers such that their energy can overcome or jam the enemy UAS’ receiver.

EnemyUASComboAnother possible way to look at this type of scenario is to combine both the electromagnetic ‘access’ of the jamming transmitters to their target, and a specified ‘kill zone’ range interval. By accounting for the kind of transmitter system, available environment, rain and radio-frequency models, terrain, and object motion, STK is pretty good at identifying the likely jamming intervals for a given scenario. Via the Analysis Workbench Module (AWB) module, it is also possible to establish both a range profile for the enemy UAS with respect to the jammers, and to set a condition that specifies the range intervals of ‘interest’ to which the jammers may or must respond. The data for the specific dynamic ranges are ‘inherent’ to the STK scenario and thus via STK AWB, that information can be brought forward into the analysis to gain new insights into the mission.

This and similar aspects of STK AWB are covered during STKCore(TM) Training, with the next serial taking place 12-14 September, 2017, in Ottawa. Earlybird rates are available until mid-August. Click here to register.