The combination of visualization, custom workflows, and open architecture technologies can produce dramatically-powerful mission planning applications.
(Mission Area – Maritime) I am often told, as I interact with my various AGI customers and (hopefully) future customers, that the visualization capability of Systems Toolkit (STK) is ‘second to none’, or at least, ‘really quite good’, but I think that overshadows some of its real strengths: its impactful analysis output and its ability to support rapid proto-typing.
Fortunately for one Canadian company, General Dynamics Canada (now General Dynamics – Mission Systems (GD-MS)), these two aspects came together to help them meet a deadline for a Defence Research and Development Canada client. GD-MS had won a contract to develop a mission planning proto-type application, and due to the sometimes frustrating nature of military procurement, their development window had shrunk alarmingly because the start date was delayed and yet the delivery date was a hard, fixed requirement.
The desired application had to include customized workflows within a Common Operating Picture (COP), and built on top of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). With only four months available, GD-MS reached out to AGI and realized that they could quickly come up to speed on AGI’s technology and seamlessly integrate it with other applications and data. The full details of this case study can be found here.
Part of AGI’s help to GD-MS was in the form of STK training, both for the desktop application and its deployable analog, STK Engine. Learning about the STK Desktop helped the GD-MS engineers understand the particular inputs, outputs, and related data providers (there are thousands in STK) and this supported their rapid development cycle. STKCore(TM) Training also assists with the familiarization of the STK business logic so that rapid concept development can occur, and/or impactful output from its many analytical displays, graphs, and reports. The next STKCore(TM) will take place in Ottawa, 12-14 September 2017 (Earlybird prices available until mid-Aug).
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