AppSpace Solutions Inc’s(APS) first serial of the new STKCore (TM) training took place in the nation’s capital last week. APS leveraged the professional facilities of ctc TrainCanada to host this new STK training – a facility that Analytical Graphics Inc (AGI) has used in the past for some of its customized training offerings.
This first instance of STKCore (TM) included participants from DND, DRDC and Telesat, who were able to explore the STK workspace via diverse scenarios taking place on both coasts, central Canada and also the Arctic. The scenarios included space, air and land vehicles, and tackled modeling problems such as Search and Rescue, Energy Protection and even Climate Change!
APS is currently looking to establish its next serial in early fall. This next course will see some of the material updated, but the major change will be the inclusion of STK version 11.2, which was just released a week and a half ago.
Organizations interested in being notified of upcoming STKCore(TM) courses can contact APS directly, follow this website/blog, follow APS via Twitter(@WayneAEllis1) or even LinkedIn. Organizations can also work with APS to set up their own STKCore (TM) course for their employees and/or partners.
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