I was pleased to learn this week that I had successfully completed my advanced STK Master Certification for current version 11.1. STK Certification happens in two stages: you first complete a Basic Certification that essentially exposes you to the significant functionality of STK Free. Upon successful completion of that, you can go on to register for the advanced certification.
The nice thing is that AGI provides you the licenses and 2 weeks to complete the test (which is comprised of multiple choice questions and scenario deliverables such as reports, graphs, images and movies – a real comprehensive slice of your STK competency!).  The other nice thing is that you can do it on your own time (and maybe on your Boss’ time if they recognize the potential of the investment).

The AGI Training Team provides lots of training tutorials to get you quickly up to speed. It is actually quite interesting to go through the various scenarios and discover your ability to approach the problem from different perspectives.

Highly recommended!